Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

Credit rating agencies (CRAs) play a crucial role in the financial ecosystem by assessing the creditworthiness of various entities, including corporations, financial institutions, and governments. These ratings help investors make informed decisions by providing insights into the risk associated with lending to or investing in a particular entity. In India, several credit rating agencies have established themselves as reliable sources of credit information. Here is a detailed look at the top 10 credit rating agencies in India.

1. CRISIL (Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited)

CRISIL (Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited)-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

HeadquartersMumbai, Maharashtra
Key ServicesCredit Ratings for Corporates and Financial Institutions, Mutual Fund Ratings, SME Ratings, Infrastructure Advisory
OwnershipSubsidiary of S&P Global
ImpactLargest and most comprehensive rating agency in India, influencing market transparency and investment decisions
CRISIL (Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited)-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

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Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Founded: 1987

Overview: CRISIL is the leading credit rating agency in India, providing ratings, research, and risk and policy advisory services. It is a subsidiary of S&P Global and is known for its comprehensive analysis and global reach.

Key Services:

  • Credit Ratings for Corporates and Financial Institutions
  • Mutual Fund Ratings
  • SME Ratings
  • Infrastructure Advisory

Impact: CRISIL’s ratings are widely used by investors, issuers, and intermediaries to make informed decisions, contributing to market transparency and efficiency.

2. ICRA Limited (Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency)

CRISIL (Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited)-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

HeadquartersGurgaon, Haryana
Key ServicesCredit Ratings for Corporates, Banks, and Financial Institutions, Industry Research, SME Ratings, Grading of IPOs
OwnershipAssociate of Moody’s Investors Service
ImpactProvides high-quality ratings and research, aiding in risk assessment and investment decisions
ICRA Limited (Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency)-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

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Headquarters: Gurgaon, Haryana
Founded: 1991

Overview: ICRA is a leading credit rating agency and an associate of Moody’s Investors Service. It provides high-quality credit ratings and research, offering insights into various sectors of the economy.

Key Services:

  • Credit Ratings for Corporates, Banks, and Financial Institutions
  • Industry Research
  • SME Ratings
  • Grading of IPOs

Impact: ICRA’s ratings and research reports are highly regarded in the financial markets, aiding in risk assessment and investment decisions.

3. CARE Ratings (Credit Analysis and Research Limited)

CARE Ratings (Credit Analysis and Research Limited)-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

HeadquartersMumbai, Maharashtra
Key ServicesCredit Ratings for Corporates, Banks, and Financial Institutions, SME Ratings, Corporate Governance Ratings, Debt Instruments Ratings
OwnershipPublicly traded
ImpactKnown for rigorous rating methodology and enhancing market confidence and transparency
CARE Ratings (Credit Analysis and Research Limited)-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

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Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Founded: 1993

Overview: CARE Ratings is one of the top credit rating agencies in India, offering a wide range of rating and grading services. It provides independent and objective assessments of credit risk.

Key Services:

  • Credit Ratings for Corporates, Banks, and Financial Institutions
  • SME Ratings
  • Corporate Governance Ratings
  • Debt Instruments Ratings

Impact: CARE Ratings is known for its rigorous rating methodology and its role in enhancing market confidence and transparency.

4. India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra)

India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra)-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

HeadquartersMumbai, Maharashtra
Key ServicesCredit Ratings for Corporates, Banks, and Financial Institutions, Structured Finance Ratings, Public Finance Ratings, Infrastructure Ratings
OwnershipSubsidiary of Fitch Group
ImpactWidely recognized and trusted, contributing to informed investment and lending decisions
India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra)-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

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Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Founded: 1995

Overview: India Ratings and Research is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fitch Group. It provides credit ratings, research, and risk analysis across various sectors.

Key Services:

  • Credit Ratings for Corporates, Banks, and Financial Institutions
  • Structured Finance Ratings
  • Public Finance Ratings
  • Infrastructure Ratings

Impact: Ind-Ra’s ratings are widely recognized and trusted, contributing to informed investment and lending decisions.

5. Brickwork Ratings

Brickwork Ratings-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

HeadquartersBengaluru, Karnataka
Key ServicesCredit Ratings for Corporates and Financial Institutions, SME Ratings, Bank Loan Ratings, Municipal Ratings
ImpactDetailed analytical approach and commitment to promoting transparency in financial markets
Brickwork Ratings-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

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Headquarters: Bengaluru, Karnataka
Founded: 2007

Overview: Brickwork Ratings is a prominent credit rating agency in India, providing ratings, research, and advisory services. It is accredited by SEBI and recognized by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

Key Services:

  • Credit Ratings for Corporates and Financial Institutions
  • SME Ratings
  • Bank Loan Ratings
  • Municipal Ratings

Impact: Brickwork Ratings is known for its detailed analytical approach and its commitment to promoting transparency in the financial markets.

6. SMERA Ratings (SME Rating Agency of India Limited)

SMERA Ratings (SME Rating Agency of India Limited)-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

HeadquartersMumbai, Maharashtra
Key ServicesSME Ratings, Bank Loan Ratings, Bond Ratings, Grading of IPOs
ImpactHelps MSMEs gain credibility and access to credit, supporting their growth and development
SMERA Ratings (SME Rating Agency of India Limited)-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

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Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Founded: 2005

Overview: SMERA Ratings focuses on providing ratings for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). It aims to facilitate access to finance for small businesses by providing reliable credit assessments.

Key Services:

  • SME Ratings
  • Bank Loan Ratings
  • Bond Ratings
  • Grading of IPOs

Impact: SMERA’s ratings help MSMEs gain credibility and access to credit, supporting their growth and development.

7. Infomerics Valuation and Rating Pvt. Ltd.

Infomerics Valuation and Rating Pvt. Ltd.-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

HeadquartersNew Delhi
Key ServicesCredit Ratings for Corporates and Financial Institutions, Bank Loan Ratings, Infrastructure Ratings, Financial Research
ImpactEnhances credibility of issuers and assists investors in making informed decisions
Infomerics Valuation and Rating Pvt. Ltd.-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

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Headquarters: New Delhi
Founded: 2012

Overview: Infomerics provides credit ratings and financial research services. It is recognized by SEBI and aims to offer transparent and unbiased credit assessments.

Key Services:

  • Credit Ratings for Corporates and Financial Institutions
  • Bank Loan Ratings
  • Infrastructure Ratings
  • Financial Research

Impact: Infomerics’ ratings help enhance the credibility of issuers and assist investors in making informed decisions.

8. Acuité Ratings & Research Limited

Acuité Ratings & Research Limited-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

HeadquartersMumbai, Maharashtra
Key ServicesCredit Ratings for Corporates and Financial Institutions, SME Ratings, Grading of IPOs, Financial Research
ImpactSupports financial stability and growth by providing reliable credit risk assessments
Acuité Ratings & Research Limited-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

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Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Founded: 2005

Overview: Acuité provides credit ratings, research, and risk assessment services. It is recognized by SEBI and accredited by the RBI as an External Credit Assessment Institution (ECAI).

Key Services:

  • Credit Ratings for Corporates and Financial Institutions
  • SME Ratings
  • Grading of IPOs
  • Financial Research

Impact: Acuité’s ratings support financial stability and growth by providing reliable credit risk assessments.

9. ONICRA Credit Rating Agency

ONICRA Credit Rating Agency-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

HeadquartersGurgaon, Haryana
Key ServicesSME Ratings, Individual Credit Ratings, Vendor and Supplier Assessments, Employee Background Verification
ImpactHelps businesses and individuals enhance their creditworthiness and gain better access to financial resources
ONICRA Credit Rating Agency-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

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Headquarters: Gurgaon, Haryana
Founded: 1993

Overview: ONICRA specializes in providing credit ratings and risk assessment services, particularly for the MSME sector. It also offers customized rating solutions for various industries.

Key Services:

  • SME Ratings
  • Individual Credit Ratings
  • Vendor and Supplier Assessments
  • Employee Background Verification

Impact: ONICRA’s services help businesses and individuals enhance their creditworthiness and gain better access to financial resources.

10. CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services

CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

HeadquartersMumbai, Maharashtra
Key ServicesCredit Ratings for Individuals and Corporates, Credit Information Reports, Risk Management Solutions, Analytics and Consulting
OwnershipPart of CRIF Group
ImpactCrucial for risk management and credit decision-making processes in the financial sector
CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services-Top 10 Credit Rating Agencies in India

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Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Founded: 2007

Overview: CRIF High Mark is one of the leading credit information companies in India, providing comprehensive credit reports and ratings. It is part of the global CRIF group.

Key Services:

  • Credit Ratings for Individuals and Corporates
  • Credit Information Reports
  • Risk Management Solutions
  • Analytics and Consulting

Impact: CRIF High Mark’s services are crucial for risk management and credit decision-making processes in the financial sector.

FAQs about Credit Rating Agencies in India

Q: What is a credit rating agency?
A: A credit rating agency (CRA) assesses the creditworthiness of entities such as corporations, financial institutions, and governments. It provides ratings that reflect the entity’s ability to repay its debt and the likelihood of default.

Q: Why are credit ratings important?
A: Credit ratings provide investors with insights into the risk associated with lending to or investing in a particular entity. They help in making informed investment decisions and managing financial risk.

Q: How do credit rating agencies determine ratings?
A: Credit rating agencies use a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, including financial statements, market conditions, management quality, and economic factors, to determine the creditworthiness of an entity.

Q: What are the different types of credit ratings?
A: Credit ratings can be for long-term and short-term debt instruments, structured finance products, bank loans, and issuer ratings. They can also include ratings for specific industries like mutual funds, infrastructure, and SMEs.

Q: What does a high credit rating indicate?
A: A high credit rating indicates a low risk of default and high creditworthiness of the entity. It suggests that the entity is financially stable and has a strong capacity to meet its debt obligations.

Q: What does a low credit rating indicate?
A: A low credit rating indicates a higher risk of default and lower creditworthiness of the entity. It suggests financial instability and a weaker capacity to meet debt obligations.

Q: How do credit rating agencies impact financial markets?
A: Credit rating agencies enhance transparency and efficiency in financial markets by providing reliable and independent credit assessments. Their ratings influence investment decisions, lending practices, and the cost of capital.

Q: Can credit rating agencies be trusted?
A: While credit rating agencies aim to provide objective and reliable assessments, their accuracy can vary. It’s important for investors to consider ratings alongside other financial analysis and market conditions.

Q: What is the role of SEBI in regulating credit rating agencies in India?
A: The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) regulates credit rating agencies to ensure transparency, accountability, and reliability in their rating processes. SEBI’s guidelines help maintain the integrity of the credit rating industry.

Q: Are credit rating agencies accountable for their ratings?
A: Yes, credit rating agencies are accountable for their ratings. They are required to follow regulatory guidelines, disclose their rating methodologies, and maintain transparency in their processes.

Q: What are the top credit rating agencies in India?
A: The top credit rating agencies in India include CRISIL, ICRA, CARE Ratings, India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra), Brickwork Ratings, SMERA Ratings, Infomerics, Acuité Ratings & Research, ONICRA, and CRIF High Mark.

Q: How can an entity improve its credit rating?
A: An entity can improve its credit rating by enhancing its financial health, reducing debt, improving cash flow, maintaining good governance practices, and demonstrating strong management capabilities.

Q: What is the difference between a credit rating and a credit score?
A: A credit rating is an assessment of the creditworthiness of entities like corporations and governments, while a credit score is a numerical representation of an individual’s creditworthiness based on their credit history.

Q: How often are credit ratings reviewed?
A: Credit ratings are typically reviewed annually or whenever there are significant changes in the entity’s financial condition, market environment, or other relevant factors.

Q: Can credit ratings change?
A: Yes, credit ratings can change based on the entity’s financial performance, changes in economic conditions, or other significant events that impact creditworthiness.

Q: What are SME ratings?
A: SME ratings assess the creditworthiness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These ratings help SMEs gain access to credit by providing lenders with reliable information about their financial health and risk profile.

Q: What is the role of international credit rating agencies in India?
A: International credit rating agencies like Moody’s, S&P, and Fitch have affiliates or subsidiaries in India that provide global expertise and methodologies to assess the creditworthiness of Indian entities.

Q: How do credit rating agencies contribute to economic growth?
A: Credit rating agencies contribute to economic growth by facilitating access to capital, promoting financial stability, enhancing market confidence, and supporting informed investment and lending decisions.


These top 10 credit rating agencies in India play a vital role in the financial markets by providing reliable credit assessments and research. Their services enhance transparency, reduce information asymmetry, and support informed decision-making for investors, lenders, and issuers. Each agency brings its unique strengths and expertise, contributing to the overall stability and growth of the financial ecosystem in India.

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. Top 10 General Insurance Companies in India 

. Top 10 Reinsurance Companies in India 

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