Top 10 Agritech Startups in India

Agriculture, the backbone of India’s economy, is witnessing a transformative wave of innovation through technology. Agritech startups are revolutionizing farming practices, increasing yields, optimizing resource utilization, and connecting farmers directly to markets. With India’s vast agricultural landscape and diverse challenges, these startups are playing a crucial role in driving sustainable and profitable farming practices. Here are the top 10 agritech startups in India, reshaping the agricultural landscape:

1. Ninjacart:

Summary: Ninjacart, established in 2015 and based in Bengaluru, operates as a tech-driven supply chain platform connecting farmers directly with businesses. By leveraging technology, Ninjacart streamlines the process of sourcing fruits and vegetables, reducing wastage and ensuring fair prices for farmers.

Bengaluru-based agritech startup founded in 2015.Utilizes technology to connect farmers directly with businesses, reducing wastage and ensuring fair prices.
Ninjacart-Top 10 Agritech Startups in India

Overview: Ninjacart is a Bengaluru-based agritech startup founded in 2015. It operates as a tech-driven supply chain platform that connects farmers directly with businesses. Their platform streamlines the process of sourcing fruits and vegetables, reducing wastage and ensuring fair prices for farmers.
Innovation: Ninjacart leverages technology to optimize logistics, reduce post-harvest losses, and provide real-time market insights to farmers.

2. DeHaat:

Summary: DeHaat, founded in 2012 and headquartered in Patna, Bihar, empowers smallholder farmers by providing them with agricultural inputs, advisory services, and market linkages. Through its tech-enabled platform, DeHaat offers personalized solutions to farmers, integrating AI, data analytics, and agronomic expertise.

Empowers smallholder farmers by providing agricultural inputs, advisory services, and market linkages.Integrates AI, data analytics, and agronomic expertise to offer customized crop recommendations and market access.
DeHeat-Top 10 Agritech Startups in India

Overview: DeHaat, founded in 2012, is empowering smallholder farmers by providing them with agricultural inputs, advisory services, and market linkages. Headquartered in Patna, Bihar, DeHaat utilizes a tech-enabled platform to deliver personalized solutions to farmers.
Innovation: DeHaat’s platform integrates AI, data analytics, and agronomic expertise to offer customized crop recommendations, access to quality inputs, and market access, thereby increasing farmers’ incomes.

3. CropIn:

Summary: CropIn, established in 2010 and based in Bengaluru, offers farm management solutions powered by data analytics, AI, and machine learning. Its digital platform provides actionable insights on crop health, weather forecasts, and market trends, enhancing productivity and sustainability across the agricultural value chain.

Offers farm management solutions powered by data analytics, AI, and machine learning.Provides actionable insights on crop health, weather forecasts, and market trends to enhance productivity.
CropIn-Top 10 Agritech Startups in India

Overview: CropIn, established in 2010, offers farm management solutions powered by data analytics, AI, and machine learning. Based in Bengaluru, CropIn’s digital platform enables farmers, agribusinesses, and other stakeholders to make informed decisions at every stage of the farming cycle.
Innovation: CropIn’s technology provides actionable insights on crop health, weather forecasts, and market trends, enhancing productivity and sustainability across the agricultural value chain.

4. AgroStar:

Summary: AgroStar, founded in 2013 and headquartered in Pune, Maharashtra, is an online platform providing agricultural products, services, and information to farmers. By integrating e-commerce, agronomy advice, and localized weather information, AgroStar addresses farmers’ needs and promotes sustainable farming practices.

Online platform providing agricultural products, services, and information to farmers.Integrates e-commerce, agronomy advice, and localized weather information to address farmers’ needs.
AgroStar-Top 10 Agritech Startups in India

Overview: AgroStar, founded in 2013, is an online platform that provides agricultural products, services, and information to farmers. Headquartered in Pune, Maharashtra, AgroStar’s mobile app offers a wide range of agricultural inputs, including seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides, delivered directly to farmers.
Innovation: AgroStar’s platform integrates e-commerce, agronomy advice, and localized weather information to address farmers’ needs, improve efficiency, and promote sustainable farming practices.

5. Kisan Network:

Summary: Kisan Network, established in 2016 and based in Gurugram, Haryana, operates as a tech-enabled marketplace connecting farmers with buyers. Through its online platform, Kisan Network ensures transparent transactions, fair pricing, and timely payments for farmers, utilizing blockchain technology for traceability and transparency.

Tech-enabled marketplace connecting farmers with buyers.Utilizes blockchain technology to ensure traceability and transparency in agricultural supply chains.
Kisan Network-Top 10 Agritech Startups in India

Overview: Kisan Network, established in 2016, is a tech-enabled marketplace connecting farmers with buyers. Based in Gurugram, Haryana, Kisan Network facilitates transparent transactions, fair pricing, and timely payments for farmers through its online platform.
Innovation: Kisan Network utilizes blockchain technology to ensure traceability, quality assurance, and transparency in agricultural supply chains, fostering trust among stakeholders and enhancing market access for farmers.

6. Intello Labs:

Summary: Intello Labs, founded in 2016 and headquartered in Gurugram, Haryana, specializes in AI-based quality assessment solutions for agriculture. Its technology accurately grades and analyzes the quality of fruits, vegetables, and grains using computer vision and machine learning algorithms, reducing wastage and improving marketability.

Specializes in AI-based quality assessment solutions for agriculture.Accurately grades and analyzes the quality of agricultural produce using computer vision and machine learning algorithms.
Intello Labs-Top 10 Agritech Startups in India

Overview: Intello Labs, founded in 2016, specializes in AI-based quality assessment solutions for agriculture. Headquartered in Gurugram, Haryana, Intello Labs’ technology accurately grades and analyzes the quality of fruits, vegetables, and grains using computer vision and machine learning algorithms.
Innovation: Intello Labs’ software helps farmers, exporters, and retailers to maintain quality standards, reduce wastage, and improve marketability of agricultural produce, thus maximizing value along the supply chain.

7. Aibono:

Summary: Aibono, established in 2014 and based in Chennai, is focused on precision agriculture. Through its platform, Aibono combines IoT sensors, data analytics, and agronomic expertise to optimize farming practices, offering insights on soil health, crop nutrition, and irrigation scheduling for sustainable high-yield farming.

Chennai-based startup focused on precision agriculture.Combines IoT sensors, data analytics, and agronomic expertise to optimize farming practices.
Aibono-Top 10 Agritech Startups in India

Overview: Aibono, established in 2014, is a Chennai-based agritech startup focused on precision agriculture. Aibono’s platform combines IoT sensors, data analytics, and agronomic expertise to optimize farming practices and enhance productivity.
Innovation: Aibono’s technology enables data-driven decision-making for farmers, offering insights on soil health, crop nutrition, and irrigation scheduling, leading to sustainable farming practices and higher yields.

8. Stellapps:

Summary: Stellapps, founded in 2011 and based in Bengaluru, is revolutionizing dairy farming through its IoT-enabled dairy management solutions. Its SmartMoo platform digitizes milk production processes, from milk collection to cold chain management, improving efficiency and quality in the dairy supply chain.

Revolutionizing dairy farming through IoT-enabled dairy management solutions.Digitizes milk production processes, improving efficiency and quality.
Stellapps-Top 10 Agritech Startups in India

Overview: Stellapps, founded in 2011, is revolutionizing dairy farming through its IoT-enabled dairy management solutions. Based in Bengaluru, Stellapps’ technology digitizes milk production processes, from milk collection to cold chain management, improving efficiency and quality.
Innovation: Stellapps’ SmartMoo platform leverages IoT sensors, cloud computing, and data analytics to monitor milk quality, animal health, and milk supply chain logistics, empowering dairy farmers with real-time insights and control.

9. FarMart:

Summary: FarMart, established in 2016 and headquartered in Gurugram, Haryana, is a digital platform offering farm machinery and equipment on rent. By optimizing the utilization of farm machinery, FarMart reduces capital investment for farmers, improves operational efficiency, and enhances farm productivity.

Digital platform offering farm machinery and equipment on rent.Optimizes the utilization of farm machinery, reducing capital investment for farmers.
FarMart-Top 10 Agritech Startups in India

Overview: FarMart, established in 2016, is a digital platform that offers farm machinery and equipment on rent. Headquartered in Gurugram, Haryana, FarMart’s platform connects farmers with a network of service providers, enabling them to access affordable and efficient mechanization services.
Innovation: FarMart’s technology optimizes the utilization of farm machinery, reduces capital investment for farmers, and improves operational efficiency, thereby increasing farm productivity and profitability.

10. AgNext:

Summary: AgNext, founded in 2016 and based in Chandigarh, Punjab, specializes in data-driven solutions for the agriculture and food processing industries. Its technology provides quality assessment, traceability, and predictive analytics for agricultural commodities, ensuring food safety and enhancing market competitiveness.

Specializes in data-driven solutions for agriculture and food processing industries.Provides quality assessment, traceability, and predictive analytics for agricultural commodities.
AgNext-Top 10 Agritech Startups in India

Overview: AgNext, founded in 2016, specializes in data-driven solutions for the agriculture and food processing industries. Based in Chandigarh, Punjab, AgNext’s technology offers quality assessment, traceability, and predictive analytics for agricultural commodities.
Innovation: AgNext’s solutions, powered by spectroscopy, IoT, and AI, provide accurate and rapid assessment of crop quality, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions, ensure food safety, and enhance market competitiveness.

These agritech startups are driving innovation, digitization, and sustainability in Indian agriculture, addressing the diverse needs and challenges of farmers while unlocking the sector’s immense potential for growth and development.

Certainly! Here are some FAQs along with their answers regarding agritech startups in India:

FAQs about Agritech Startups in India

Q1: What are agritech startups?

A1: Agritech startups are companies that leverage technology to address challenges and optimize processes within the agricultural sector. These startups utilize innovations such as data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain to improve farming practices, increase productivity, and enhance market access for farmers.

Q2: How do agritech startups benefit farmers?

A2: Agritech startups benefit farmers in several ways:

  • Access to Information: Agritech platforms provide farmers with valuable insights on weather forecasts, market prices, crop management practices, and access to expert advice.
  • Market Linkages: By connecting farmers directly with buyers through online marketplaces, agritech startups enable farmers to get fair prices for their produce and reduce dependency on intermediaries.
  • Increased Productivity: Through the use of technology, agritech startups offer solutions for precision farming, optimized resource utilization, and real-time monitoring, resulting in higher yields and reduced wastage.
  • Access to Finance and Inputs: Some agritech startups provide access to financial services, agricultural inputs, and equipment on rent, making farming more affordable and efficient for smallholder farmers.

Q3: Are agritech startups only focused on crop farming?

A3: While many agritech startups primarily focus on crop farming, others cater to various segments within the agricultural value chain, including dairy farming, livestock management, poultry farming, and fisheries. These startups offer specialized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each segment, such as dairy management software, livestock tracking systems, and aquaculture monitoring tools.

Q4: How do agritech startups contribute to sustainability in agriculture?

A4: Agritech startups contribute to sustainability in agriculture through:

  • Precision Farming: By leveraging technology for precise monitoring and management of crops, agritech startups help minimize resource wastage, such as water, fertilizers, and pesticides.
  • Soil Health Management: Some startups offer soil testing services and nutrient management solutions to optimize soil health and fertility, reducing reliance on chemical inputs.
  • Promotion of Organic Farming: Agritech platforms support farmers in adopting organic farming practices by providing organic inputs, certification assistance, and market access for organic produce.
  • Climate Resilience: Through advanced weather forecasting tools and risk assessment models, agritech startups help farmers mitigate the impacts of climate change and adapt to changing weather patterns.

Q5: How can farmers benefit from collaborating with agritech startups?


Farmers can benefit from collaborating with agritech startups in the following ways:

  • Access to Technology: Agritech startups offer farmers access to cutting-edge technologies and digital tools that can improve their farming practices, increase efficiency, and enhance profitability.
  • Market Access: By leveraging agritech platforms, farmers can directly connect with buyers, processors, exporters, and other stakeholders in the agricultural value chain, ensuring better market prices and access to larger markets.
  • Capacity Building: Agritech startups provide farmers with training, advisory services, and agronomic support to build their capacity and improve their decision-making skills.
  • Financial Inclusion: Some agritech startups offer financial services, such as credit, insurance, and payment solutions, to empower farmers and improve their financial stability.

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